You Only Need Steady-State Cardio… Or Do You?
If you are like many people who head to the gym in Cork, one of the reasons that you are working out is to lose some body fat weight that you have accumulated. If that’s the case, then you might be spending quite a bit of time in the cardio area on the treadmill or the exercise bikes. You have heard that all you need is cardio to lose the weight… but is that correct?
Any exercise can be beneficial to those who are typically sedentary, but there are some types of cardio that can be far more helpful to those who are serious about losing weight. The typical cardio that many people do will only provide them with so many gains. Eventually, they are going to need to step things up a bit, and that is where interval training can come into play.
Interval Training
Interval training requires short, powerful expenditures of energy followed by an immediate short rest. This is repeated throughout the training session. It is very beneficial for several reasons. First, it can provide you with shorter workout times even though you are working harder. It can provide benefits to your cardiovascular system, and it can help you to shed pounds relatively quickly compared with other options. In addition, it tends to be far more fun than simply sitting on an exercise bike and watching the television for an hour.
Here’s another bit of advice that can help you to lose some weight and get into better shape. Do not spend all your time in the cardio area. Instead, you will want to make sure that you also add some weight training to the mix. This strengthens your muscles and keeps your metabolism running, which helps you to lose even more weight.