Tips for Starting a Bodybuilding Routine
If you are just getting started with bodybuilding, you might be wondering if there are any useful tips you should be aware of. While you are likely becoming involved in bodybuilding to improve the way you look, you need to remember that changes don’t come immediately. Being patient and sticking with your new routine is important, but there are a few tips that will help you along as you progress.
Visit the Correct Fitness Centre
It’s important that you select a fitness centre or gym to stick with your new routine. The right gym is going to be different for everyone, so there’s nothing wrong with trying a few places before you commit. For bodybuilding purposes, you’ll want to select a facility that offers weight machines along with free weights. You will likely make use of both types of equipment on your bodybuilding journey. Cardio equipment, steam rooms, and saunas can also be useful depending on your needs.
Come Up with a Programme
If you simply show up at the gym and randomly choose what to do each time without a plan, you aren’t likely to have the results you wish for. Instead, you need a specific routine in place. It is a fantastic idea to work with a personal trainer to come up with a programme that is customised for you. This plan will include what exercises to take part in, along with how many sets and reps you will do each time. This ensures that each time you walk into the fitness centre, you know what to do and can get started.
Slowly Increase Weight
The first priority you have is to learn proper form for each exercise you do. Once you have that down, you can begin increasing the amount of weight over time. You should be taking note of how much you lift for every exercise and increase the amount slightly once or twice a month. This is the best way to keep up your progress and gain muscle and strength.
Train All the Muscle Groups
You don’t want to train every single day, but perhaps three to four times a week. When you do train, you want to spend time on every muscle group. While it’s fine to focus on one muscle group more for bigger gains, take time to train each muscle group at least one day a week. On your days off, enjoy the time recovering and getting some extra rest in.
By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to a beginner’s routine for bodybuilding. If you are looking for a great gym in Cork, make sure to take a look at Planet Health Club Cork. If you are interested in learning more about bodybuilding services or wish to ask a question, you can call us or email us at Phone: 021 4300888 | Email: info@planethealthcork.ie